A world built between battle and glory, be it at the get together's with family and friends around the table at the end of the day or at the baile funk, that favela is a cultural symbol of the young people who inhabit this space.
In contrast, the history of violence in these communities, the nearly total absence of the state and the media empires that have transformed the slum into a symbol of everything that should be denied by society have created an invisible barrier, making it near impossible for the common exchange of experiences and learning between the "hill and the asphalt" to become a reality.
It turns out that the gringo went up the hill, danced samba, plunged into the culture, indulged in true Brazilian cuisine, listened to stories, met people who smile and hug when they receive them and yet despite the difficulties of the favela, the gringo's life would never be the same.
We are aware that we are nearly a small piece of this world, but we did not come to simply visit. We believe in collaborative work and through a humanistic perspective to learn, connect, and grow, we seek to transform our talents into tools to promote a cultural bridge between social impact and tourism that promotes authentic and profound experiences for tourists and economic and social development for these communities.
To be a social innovation company engaged in favelas, developing efficient solutions to social issues, through tourism. To bring us closer through our distant realities and raise awareness in order to break negative stereotypes and offer deep exchange of experience between external and internal agents.
We believe in humanity and its collective strength, and thus seek to develop tools that create a noise-free communication channel with the community in order to more clearly hear them, understand their needs, and then work to create innovative and impactful solutions that permit sustainable cultural and economical exchanges.
To be at the forefront of the development and sustenance of innovative ideas and positive social impact, by leading the construction of responsible solutions and the empowerment of under-represented and disadvantaged communities throughout South America and the world.